International Conference "Road Safety In The Local Community" Welcome to the " BSLZ RS" of the Traffic Safety Agency of the Republic of Srpska.
International Conference "Road Safety In The Local Community"
Welcome to the application " BSLZ RS" of the Traffic Safety Agency of the Republika Srpska. The application provides useful information about the International Conference "traffic safety in the local community", the way the application of the topic and monitoring of the status of the reported work.
You can find more details about the conference below.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications and Traffic Safety Agency of the Republika Srpska invites you to take active participation in the International Conference "Traffic Security in the Local Community" which has traditionally held since 2011. in the last week of October.
The sponsor of this international conference is the Council for the Security Security of the Republika Srpska.
Administrative center of the Government of the Republic of Srpska
Republike Srpska Trg no. 1, Banja Luka, GPS coordinates: H- 44.777852, Y- 17.197731
Thematic areas of the conference
1. Pillar - Traffic safety management,
2. Pillar - Safe roads,
3. Pillar - Safe vehicles,
4. Pillar - Safe participants in traffic and
5. Pillar - after a traffic accident.
Call to authors
The Republika Srpska Every year in traffic accidents, in addition to the loss of that most valuable, and these are human lives, suffers and huge costs in economic terms. Experts in Banja Luka, with the support of the best foreign experts, calculated that the overall socio-economic costs in Republika Srpska are about 170 million KM, which is the Republika Srpska sufferers elementary disaster of large-scale.
Due to all that, government holders in the Republika Srpska have decisively embarked into strengthening the institutional traffic safety capacities. Traffic safety Council Regularly Ambushed, the Traffic Safety Agency has successfully adopted the Traffic Safety Strategy of Republika Srpska 2013-2022, and the Government of Transport Security 2014 - 2018 created in Republika Srpska.
In the trail, the International Conference "in the Local Community" is held every year, with the aim of constant capacity at the republic and local levels and the creation of experts, courage and will to fight this company's company as a whole.
Therefore, we invite all those interested authors and the professional public to take active participation in this year's conference and thus contribute to strengthening awareness of the importance of traffic safety, but also improving the situation in this area.
Sincerely, Organizing Committee
Instructions for reporting
To report a topic one of the authors must be registered. The opening of the order allows users to follow the information on the reported topic, ie work.
Accepted works
The accepted works will be published on the website The selected works will be published in the printed edition of the Proceedings in the language in which they are written.
Written instructions for using the topic application application and you can download the operating instructions on the Internet address:
Participation in the conference is free!
Accreditation is provided at the conference; Proceedings and others. Printed material; DVD; Welcome cocktail; Ceremonial dinner and a certificate of participation